Eric Leppanen

Eric Leppanen-Basement Studio

Eric Leppanen Lawn Studio

am an action painter who recycles old paint – giving it a new life and purpose. I try to create a constellation of different effects with paint by combining ideas and materials, adding in energy and emotion, and then letting the paint flow. I create when an idea and energy strike me and therefore have multiple studios. In the winter I enjoy the seclusion of my Basement Studio, creating in the wee hours of the night when most are sleeping. I work to create visually stimulating texture and depth by directing the paint’s interaction, yet I find that it is a process that requires both precision and serendipity. In the spring and fall I enjoy the versatility of my Garage Studio, and in the wonderful Maine summer I love painting in my Driveway and Lawn Studio, with its openness and elemental challenges of sun, wind, and wild weather.


Dietlind Vander Schaaf


My studio is on the second floor of a friend’s barn, on 14 acres in West Falmouth. The space gets incredible light from the skylights and large windows overlooking the property. Last year I built a standing station to accommodate larger work. I recently ordered the parts for a new ventilation system that will include a large hood over my hot plate to replace the window fans I’ve been using. As my medium is encaustic, proper ventilation is essential. I have a full-time job and make art around that schedule, slipping out to my studio with my dog in the evenings or for long hours on the weekends. The solitude and quiet are indispensable to me. I don’t listen to music while I work, preferring the sounds of birds, distant snowmobiles, or my friend’s husband working on one of his remodeled cars.


Robert Younger


For twenty years I worked as a troglodyte in a damp basement studio next to the Brooklyn Bridge in Lower Manhattan.

After Hurricane Sandy I established a higher and drier base in Boothbay, Maine, where the light and air have messed with my mind.

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