James Chute, Joshua Ferry, Philip Frey

  29.03.2013   CMCA   Open Studio   No comments

JAMES CHUTE jameschute.com This is my small home studio, half of a repurposed bedroom. For the past several years, my work has been primarily drawing with ink or markers. To the

Sarah Hewitt, Kate Russo, Susan Williams

  15.03.2013   CMCA   Open Studio   No comments

SARAH HEWITT SarahHewitt.com Raffia and sea grass hang off the walls, cascading into fountains of chaos. Books are strewn about – a variety of subjects grabs my attention. Boatbuilding in Ireland,

Royane Mosley, Winslow Myers, Petrea Noyes, Dennis Pinette

  7.03.2013   CMCA   Open Studio   No comments

ROYANE MOSLEY royanemosley.com I live in an old two-story house in Cutler, which has high ceilings and is filled with light year round. I use two rooms upstairs. One I use

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