ArtLab Vacation Week February 17–20 | Monday – Thursday Drop-in | 10:00-12:00pm Free and open to all Fragments Into Forms Join our February Vacation ArtLabs with teaching artist Jen Peppe,
What's On | January News + Events
January ArtLab for All Saturday, January 4 | 2:00–4:00pm Instructor: Jennifer Peppe Drop-in | Free and open to all! Join us as we explore the art of Notan paper cutting.
What's On | December News + Events
December ArtLab for All Saturday, Dec. 7 | 2:00–4:00pm Instructor: Tori Marsh Drop-in | Free and open to all! Explore line, movement and mark-making with monotypes this month in the
What's On | November News + Events
November ArtLab for All Saturday, Nov. 2 | 2:00–4:00pm Instructor: Tori Marsh Drop-in | Free and open to all! Bend, fold, stack and layer this month in the ArtLab with
October ArtLab for All Saturday, Oct. 5| 2:00–4:00pm Instructor: Tori Marsh Drop-in | Free and open to all! Join us this month in the ArtLab as we explore the work
What's On | October News + Events
September ArtLab for All Saturday, Sept. 7 | 2:00–4:00pm Instructor: Tori Marsh Drop-in | Free and open to all! Inspired by the mural On This Island, and the collection of
What's On | September News + Events
ArtCamp | Week 6 August 12–15 | 9:00am – 12:00pm Ages 8 – 12 | Limit of 12 campers Non-member $225 | CMCA Member: $200 Instructor: Alix Martin Wearable Sculpture