Open Studios | Fragments into the Future
All Ages | Drop in
March – May | Wednesday – Sunday
Chris Doyle | Fabricators & Nicola López | Visions, Phantoms and Apparitions
Inspired by artists Nicola López and Chris Doyle construct components to build an imagined landscape for the future. Using the materials and prompts provided, reconstruct old frameworks or create characters and machines that will coexist in the landscape. Create a fragment of the future to add to the temporary wall installation in ArtLab.
February Video: While our ArtLab is closed for January + February for drop-in, be inspired to create a work at-home that can be added to the wall when we reopen the ArtLab in March.
Suggested Materials:
– Variety of papers: collage, photographs, tracing, drawing
– Drawing materials: colored pencils, oil pastels, sharpies
– Tools: scissor, glue stick
Following Maine CDC Day Program guidelines:
– All attendees and staff are to wear face masks inside the ArtLab
– Hand sanitizing stations will be available at heavily trafficked areas; encouraging hand
sanitization during transitions
– Maintain social distancing of at least 3’ with face covering
Applies to all visitors regardless of vaccine status
Header Image: Nicola López, Unnamed (2021)