ArtLab Sponsorship


ArtLab is CMCA’s hands-on education program offering year-round classes and workshops for all ages.  Our ArtLab instructors are all past and present experienced educators and artists.

The ArtLab philosophy places value on creative process and learning to think and respond with imagination, vision, and expression in an environment in which students have the opportunity to work with new materials, to discover, to invent, and, above all, to have fun!

How to become a much loved ArtLab sponsor

ArtLab Sponsorships help us offer scholarships to students in need and to keep ArtLab for all ages free and open to all.  CMCA Sponsorships are 100% tax deductible and an invaluable way of promoting the arts for future generations to enjoy. For more information, please contact us at or +1 207.701.5005

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