Guest Jurors: Justine Kablack, Izabel Nielsen, and Anna Queen of SISTERED (Portland, ME)
Jurors’ Statement
Simulacrush features eighteen artists meditating on states of reality across media. This timely group of work wrestles with systems of difference, communicating and distorting truth in a hyperreal fashion—simulacra. In a moment where information is manifested, digested, and regurgitated with extreme speed, presenting this work in a virtual environment becomes necessary to understanding the states in which we find ourselves and the ways we manipulate it. Here there is an incredible amount of fact, so much that it becomes fiction, or does it? This group of work offers a glimpse at the creation of truth from a distorted copy of reality. This is liquid, urgent, thrashing, seductive.
Artists Included
Ben DeHaan, Zoe Fox, Elizabeth Hoy, Nate Luce, Heather Lyon, Mugwort (Jeonguk Choi + Soomin Kim), Oliver,
Shannon Rankin, Joshua Reiman, Bob Richardson, Justin Richel, Tollef Runquist, Will Sears, Matt Shaw,
Anoushe Shojae-Chaghorvand, Irina Skornyakova, Riley Watts, Robert Younger
[ON]now is a series of online exhibitions presenting the work of Maine artists through a digital venue. Juried by guest jurors, [ON]now goes beyond the physical gallery walls to expand possibilities of showing and viewing contemporary art.
Plastic Dreams, 2016
Inkjet print on plastic, tacks
28 x 22 inches
nothin’ wrong with love, 2019
Video, 4:52 minutes
Preliminary Assessment, 2017
Mixed media installation
26 x 33 x 25 inches
Wabi Sabi TV, 2015
Video, 14:23 minutes
4 min performative video, loop, Tignes, France
Jeonguk Choi + Soomin Kim
Between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice, Today, 2019
Video and composition for soprano, double bass, and viola, 9:58 minutes
Audio recording by the Yale School of Music
Music by Soomin Kim
Video by Jeonguk Choi
Poem by Emily Jungmin Yoon
Special thanks to Kate Fogler
Soprano: Frances Pollock
Viola: Minkyoung Lee
Double bass: Ross Wightman
The Museum: The Meditation (Be Zen! Now!), 2018
Video, 5:56 minutes
66°50’42.0”S 119°56’59.0″E, 2019
Hand-stitched thread on paper
11 x 17 inches
David Lee Rothko (American Mudra), 2012
Video, 0:26 minutes, looped
(This video is meant to be seen individually in a shrine like manner)
View of the Sea, 2019
Archival pigment print of original hand-pulled screen print
20 x 28 inches
Man and His Symbols, 2016-18
Carved wood, gouache, acrylic, urethane plastic
6 x 8 x 6.5 inches
Sharing Fruits and Bounty, 2018
Oil on panel
8 x 10 inches
Peppered, 2019
Colored pencil on paper
9 x 12 inches
Saints of Circumstance, 2019
Video, 7:30 minutes
Banging on the Open Gate, 2019
Video documentation of installation
(Steel, AC motor, DC motor, rope, pvc pipe, zip ties, tattoo ink, silicone,
acrylic paint, canvas, pine, picnic table, foam sheets, plaster, and shoes)
Other Dimensions, 2018
UV print on vinyl wallpaper, billboard
114 x 85.5 inches
Photo credit: Ben DeHaan
For the Derealized 7.24.19, 2019
Video, 8:50 minutes
OSSF Checkered (drainage field), 2019
1/4inch MDF on 1/2 inch framed cleated plywood secured to 2×4 wood frame, paint
4.5 x 24 feet