Saturday, August 12 | 10:00am–4:00pm
Rain date: August 13
Free and open to the public
Discover exceptional contemporary crafts, goods, wears and functional art from over 20 Maine artisans!
This year’s artisans:
Allison McKeen (@allison.mckeen)
Annie Bailey (@anniebaileyartist)
Antje Roitzsch (@visualartsmaine)
Autumn Cipala (@autumncipala)
CMCA Shop (@cmcanow)
Danielle Rose Byrd (@danielle_rose_byrd)
Erica Moody Fine Metals (@ericaemoody)
Heide Martin Design (@heidemartin)
Herself Clothing (@herselfclothing)
Miller Turney Co. (@millerturneryco)
Modern Maine (@modernmaine)
Syndibat (@psbwise)
Phoebe Walsh (@walshfinewoodworks)
PookaDesign (@pookadesignstudio)
Slow Grit Studio (@slowgritstudio)
Spruce Tree (@spruce_tree_studio)
Studio Crie (@studio.crie)
Tara Morin (@taramorin)
Topo Gallery (@topo_gallery)
Yo Mamma’s Apron Strings (@maineaprons)
Blue Feet Studio (@amysmithbluefeetstudio)
Marigold (@marigold_in_groton)
Kim Bernard (@kimbernardart)
Maggi Blue (@magpiecreative)
Wild Rosie (@wildrosie.maine)
Nick Watts
Gabby Benzie (@gabriellebenzie)
Ange Muhorakey
Live music from Kioea 11am-1pm and Kenya Hall 2-4pm.
Special thank you to Camden National Bank for sponsoring this event.