The alchemy of printmaking has always fascinated me. It transmutes a visual idea through the crucibles of drawing, carving, inking, and printing into a finished image that holds some surprises for its maker, and hopefully some delight for its viewer. For me, the very indirectness of making prints – carving first (backwards) where the "marks" - the carvngs - will be white, then patiently adding color and shape in many layers, not knowing what it will finally look like till the end of the process - invites the unexpected, in contradiction, you might think, to its technical demands. Playing with that contradiction is part of my creative process.
My first prints grew out of a fascination with medieval art, especially carving, and a desire to somehow rediscover, celebrate, and share the exuberant wonder of sculpture created almost a thousand years ago. I still love exploring those images. In addition, since becoming a full-time artist I spend more time in the here and now as well, exploring the visual wonder of the contemporary world with – and beyond – more representational work.