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Anna Strickland

Anna Strickland


Website http://annastrickland.com/


I came to photography through printmaking and consider historic photo processes a wonderful marriage of the two. From the very beginning I was a mixed media artist and morphed rather easily into installation. My work is inspired by a voracious reading habit from poetry to literature to the sciences. Since 2004 I have almost exclusively produced work revolving around humankind’s relationship with the natural world; including work on climate change issues and endangered or extinct species. BIOThere are a few defining things that make me the person I am today. I spent my teenage years in Japan which shaped my aesthetic development.  I was a VISTA volunteer on the Oglala Sioux Reservation, Pine Ridge, South Dakota after graduating from high school which forever politicized me. In my early twenties I lived in Italy where I experienced art history alive everyday and attended the Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice. After receiving my MFA from The School of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and Tufts University, I was hired by the Photography Dept. of Rhode Island School of Design to teach in my specialty, Antique and Alternative Photography. It is at RISD where my teaching and work flourished for over 30 years. Featured Image  “The Given Series, NBC” Paladium and GumBichromate, 13”X14”, 2013Image Caption01. “The Given Series, Buddha’s Hand”, GumBichromate, 28” X 18”, 201302. “Mind the Gap Installation”, mixed media, 12’ X 12’, 200503. “She Who Looks Back Installation", mixed media, 30’ X 13’, 199804. “Memory Palace Installation”, mixed media, 24’ X 10’, 1997

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